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Social Fundraising Techniques

Social fundraising is the ability to reach more people, in less time, through popular online platforms like Facebook or Twitter. This should lead to higher engagement as well as conversion.

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Like all other forms of fundraising, social fundraising can be done well, or it can be done poorly. Below are some techniques that work to optimize this fundraising strategy.

Direct Ask

A Direct Ask is a straightforward approach to asking for a contribution on social media via the sharing of a fundraising page. Usually, this doesn’t work as most people could simply ignore the post if its posted on your timeline, being dwarfed by other content. The best use of the direct ask is placing it in smaller circles where your content has higher engagement, thereby driving interest of other individuals. Smaller circles could include different groups you are a part of or even a group chat of friends.

Tag and Thank

A Tag and Thank is a modified version of the direct ask by highlighting an individual donors’ contribution. As the donations begin to roll in, you can tag and thank each new donor through social media. If individuals are well known in groups or in general, this can drive appreciation of social influence and thus generate importance for your campaign.

News Updates

The News Updates approach is to issue regular fundraising progress updates through your social media accounts. By creating these sub goals, you can add a sense of urgency to your updates. This in turn creates a story of your campaign which potential donors can connect to.

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